By Himself

By Himself

First shot...

... is the sweetest?

Well not exactly the first shot but near enough. New camera and lenses arrived today and I have been testing things out in the garden on this bright and sunny day. I need to stay close to home because we are waiting for a plumber to arrive with a repaired waste-water pump.

Except for the crop, which has only cut the sides, this is a SOOC ('straight out of camera') jpg from the Fuji X-T1 with a 55-200m lens (82-300mm full-frame equivalent). So far I am stunned at the quality and am already loving the bright viewfinder which I can actually use wearing my specs and the camera is worth it just for that. I also have the shorter 18-55mm lens (27-82mm equivalent) but so far I am enjoying the new experience of the telephoto. More later :-)

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