Life Savors

By osuzanna

One Tree

I was reading the forums and came across a challenge for "one tree." Of course, this all happened over a year ago, but it got me thinking about a small grove of trees on the hill in our park. There is one at the top that sits by itself and I often photograph it, usually late in the day. This morning I went over early to get a morning shot. I knew I would have little or no time for anything else today as I was trying to wind up a lot of work and home chores before heading out for NYC for the weekend.

I write this now as I sit on the "slow bus" to NYC. It is slow because we are caught in the Friday evening traffic on Interstate 95. Fortunately, the bus has wifi, and it certainly beats driving.

This is my "one tree." It is an American Sycamore, easily distinguished by its loss of bark, leaving a mottled white trunk and branches. It always looks amazing to me, as it did this morning.

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