
By MaryannA

Steven's Pond!

I had a wonderful lunch with my cousin (the one I missed seeing on Saturday). We went to a nearby Chinese Buffet and it was very good. After lunch, we attempted to go blipping together. It was very sunny as we headed down the road looking for a nearby lake and pond. When we finally found our destination, a big black cloud, raindrops and some gusting winds greeted us as we exited the car. We gave it a gallant try, took a few photos and decided to back to my house for a hot cup of tea. I got a few interesting shots, but the were very dull and dreary... so I have enhanced it a bit.

Today began warm and sunny. It is even ending up sunny. But that little window for blipping is when the weather went blipping awful.

We still managed to have fun and get a blip as well!

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