Town Hall, Zaandam, Zaanstad

It looks like what I'd imagine the entrance to Toyland would look like, but, believe me, this IS the official Town Hall of the town of Zaandam in the municipality of Zaanstad. Zaanstad is actually a new municipality made up of what used to be really separate villages, each with its own local government. In the end, gluing them all together into one municipality proved to be cheaper.

I so wish it was just around the corner and thus easier to visit. As it is, it will always mean a long drive north. I have taken long drives before -- Amerongen, Doorn, Doorwerth, Oosterbeek -- but what makes driving to Amsterdam almost a chore is the traffic jams. I was lucky this morning that it took only 1.5 hours to reach Zaamdam and 35 minutes to get to Amsterdam after that. The trip home took 3 full hours; it was rush hour, which was bad enough, but there was an accident in the Heinenoord tunnel on the A29 which drove everyone to the A16. A truck hit 2 cars; the truck driver didn't survive and half the tunnel was engulfed with flames. And to think that that is the highway I normally drive on when I want to pass by towns like Willemstad. You can imagine how thankful I am that I wasn't there today.

Zaandam isn't where the seminar was held. That took place in nearby Amsterdam, but I knew I wouldn't really have time to blip there because I'd be more focused on the seminar, which I was. It was quite an informative afternoon. My colleague, who came by train and tram, was amazed with the fact that not only was I able to navigate inside Amsterdam without any device and using only a printed out route planner, but also with the fact that I was practically able to park immediately and almost in front of the building without a hitch, having managed to snatch the very last available parking spot. Personally, I was especially glad to be able to pay the very very expensive parking fee with my debit card since I didn't have any coins. Apparently, coins are now passé and blasé when it comes to parking fees; even with things like parking fees, phone booths, copying machines, etc., digital is 'in'.

Anyway, back to the blip -- 'passed by' (read: detoured to) Zaandam not really just to blip but because I really like this building and the Inntel Hotel almost next to it. Next time I am in the area, I promise to blip the Inntel Hotel. You'll drop your jaw when you see it. But the Town Hall ... first time I saw it years ago, I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought, well, after yesterday's colourful houses, why not a ... colourful Town Hall! I didn't build it, assuredly ... but I sure hope you like it!

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