MonoMonday - Weather

In view of the fact that it is not much of a day, dull, cloudy and drizzling off and on, this is a perfect day for mono weather. We are not missing out on blue skies, as there are none to be seen today.

As requested by Paladian here is the weather forecast for our local area:
Cloudy with patchy light rain with lengthy breaks this morning, increasing to areas of rain from late afternoon with a possible thunderstorm.

Winds north to north-westerly and light becoming northerly 15 to 20 km/h in the middle of the day, then tending north-westerly 20 to 30 km/h in the early afternoon. Minimum 15 degrees C - maximum 22 degrees C, 95% chance of rain.

In total - not much of a day. Thanks Paladian for hosting this fascinating challenge.

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