
By earthdreamer

Punta de Deia

Towards Sa Forada

Our last day In Majorca. We've packed a lot into our stay here but it's also felt very relaxed. TJ says I look a whole lot healthier than when I arrived, my eyes less puffy and bloodshot and, of course, there is nothing like a bit of sun to put some colour into the skin and nourish all of mind, body and spirit. I do feel thoroughly nourished - although I did wake with a muzzy head this morning and recalling fragments of some very weird dreams. I suspect that's all to do with the thought of returning to the fray tomorrow!

There were a few light showers first thing but by the time we got out the cloud had cleared to leave another beautifully sunny day. We decided not to go far, just bimble around Deia and head to the beach for the afternoon. While up at the church at the top of the promontory around which the town is built we bumped into Alain again, en route from Soller to Valldemossa. That was a lovely connection to renew. He was with his bubbly friend Francoise, who has the most refreshing joie de vivre. We must have lingered for an hour chatting away and it was lovely not to be rushed so as to enjoy their company. It was a remarkable and very happy coincidence that we should run into him again. I love to feel the touch of Serendipity.

The rest of the day was mainly spent swimming and reading, soaking up the final hours of warmth before returning to face what seems like rather chilly and unsettled weather back home. I took a short run to try to reach Punta de Deia, the map showing a track leading out to a headland with a castle tower. Like so many of the trails around here there is no signposting. I had to pass by several imposing gates which blocked the gravel roads leading to private houses before I found an unmarked set of steps leading down to a stile over a wall. Here there was finally a sign indicating a permissive path across private land, requesting visitors to stay no more than ten minutes.

On reaching the tip of the headland it was easy to understand why the walk isn't promoted. You make a discovery like this and you only want to share it with a very special few people for fear of spoiling what is a sanctuary. It must be Deia's best kept secret. The views along the coast are utterly spectacular. I share this with you only. Don't tell anybody else!

Having lingered possibly a little longer than the requested ten minutes I returned with only enough time for a final swim with TJ before having to walk one last time up the track from the beach to the village to begin what proved to be an uneventful journey home. Not that any other excuse to return was really needed, but I now must come back to share this last discovery of our trip with my adventure buddy. It's always good to have reasons to return.

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