M & M's

Some days are harder than others. Today was hard.

This afternoon I ducked out to attempt photos of birds eating pomegranates on a tree at the hotel down the road. Unfortunately the birds scarpered and I missed out on the photos. On my way back to work a bike the same as the one Blaze was killed on (Kawasaki Ninja) was parked on the side of the road.

It threw me into a tail spin. I guess there will keep being days like this for a while yet.

On my way home I stopped at the shop for mushrooms and spotted a bag of M & M's. For some reason they triggered a memory from a couple of years ago when I attempted to photograph them. It didn't work at the time and I ended up blipping the shot using 100's and 1000's instead. Today I seem to have had slightly better luck (or I have slightly more idea of what I'm doing) though I still prefer the old shot.

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