
My boys have been wearing tick repellent collars since spring. They seem to have worked well up until now. I have however found 2 ticks on Hero, 1 on Biscuit and 1 on Beat within the last 3 - 4 days. I always worry about tick born diseases, so I was not happy with that amount of ticks in a short time.

So today I discussed the situation with my vet and he suggested a new kind of drug - Bravecto chewable tablets, which should be really good. One tablet lasts for 12 weeks, so you only have to give it twice a year for the dog to be protected all summer. It makes the dogs' blood poisonous for fleas and ticks, but does not affect the dog. I decided to give it a go. Fingers crossed that it will work better than the collars.

Hero and Biscuit thought the chewable tablets were yummy treats. Beat was not quite as impressed and it was a struggle to get him to eat it. I had to push it down his throat, so I am glad we only have to do it twice a year.

After seeing the vet, we went for a walk in the woods.

Now I am working on my thesis. And guess what?! I have written everything I need to write! I have a finished thesis! I need to read it through several times, correct mistakes, make little changes etc. but I have 50 pages, which could be handed in right now, if I had to :-D

I will work for another couple of hours and then take the dogs for another walk whilst I catch up with Helle on the phone.

See you tomorrow!
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

Thank you for all of your hearts for my mum and Bridie yesterday. I means a lot to me.

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