Strike that. Reverse it!


Too Cute!

Had to use this blip for today. Was the only day we saw the babies so would be wrong not to blip something so cute. We seemed to have lots of visitors to our villa for food over the week. Much more than we have ever had over the years. Tommy especially loved feeding them all and seeing them come to our patio doors.

Lots of photos to choose from this week, I haven't been able to edit them as yet but when I do they will go on my flickr page. Having said that I haven't finished going through the Disneyland photos so it may be a while.

Another great action packed day. We decided to go bowling today for a change. Think it may have been Tommys first go at bowling too. I was gutted that the gutter barriers were electric and programmed to come down for just the boys goes! Needless to say I lost many a bowl to the gutter!

Still catching up on the weeks blips, here are the ones I have done so far
3oth May So it Begins!
31st May Robin Hood!
1st June Robin Hood!

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