
Today marks one hundred days to go until the referendum on independence for Scotland. For the record, I'll be voting Yes. I haven't heard a convincing argument for keeping things as they are. We live in a deeply unequal society and that's not good for anyone.

I don't think independence will make everything rosy. I've chosen this shot because I'm certain we'll still have rainy weather. I think independence will mean that the decisions that affect Scotland will be taken in Scotland by people who will have to live with the consequences. For me, it's a decision about democracy being closer to the people. It's about the possibility, with a lot of hard work, of making a more equal society.

I'm not anti-English - my mother was English and so is my husband. It's not about Scottish nationalism either. I'm not Scottish and you'll never hear me cry freedom from the Wallace Monument.

I live and work in Scotland. I've made a home in Scotland. I'm not voting for the SNP. In the nearly 15 years I've worked as a civil servant, I've seen administrations of different political complexions make decisions that suited circumstances in Scotland, who were all trying to act in Scotland's best interests.

I hope I'm not dogmatic about it. I think the referendum is a positive opportunity that should be grasped but I don't intend to fall out with anyone over it. My best friend is going to vote against. Neither of us are planning to move afterwards regardless of the result. We all have to live together, side by side.

Ok, enough politics. It's pishing doon wi' rain and I've got Children's Panel papers to read.

Tootle pip!

PS Another pterodactyl!

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