
By AlrightFlower


...are strange things eh. Some memories are inevitably linked with others, by time, space or subject. What can be a fantastic memory for someone can be anything but for someone else, and vice versa.

Today is the fourth anniversary of my dad's death. I'd been to a concert with friends the night before and stayed over at his house. We spent the day together, the rest of the family joining us in the afternoon, then we tootled off home at the end of the day. And the next morning my world fell apart.

So you see, although I do have happy memories of my dad, that whole weekend will forever be inextricably bound up as one memory. I can't separate out watching TV with dad, having a fabulous night at the concert, walking with him and spending a lovely afternoon with my family from what happened next. Despite spending time with him that weekend, I never saw it coming and I'll never forgive myself for that.

Anyway, I've had a lovely day sitting out in the sunshine - I was working, I swear - and I'm rounding it off with Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Which to be honest was more mum's thing than dad's but hey ho.

There might be a cheeky G&T with my name on it too ;-)


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