
By CleanSteve

Woodpecker's birthday picnic

We have been awaiting this day for months, ever since it was woodpecker's actual birthday back in early February. She had always wanted a lovely summery birthday celebration and this one seemed to be the obvious one to choose being one of those 'bigger' days of one's life. I won't say too much about it as Helena has described the day well herself, but I will add how lovely it all was, especially the gorgeous gluten free birthday cake, which was triumph!

The sun came out, and in fact it was nearly too warm at times in the humid air, and picnicking on Minchinhampton Common seemed the perfect place to be on the day after Mid-summer's Day. We will definitely be gathering friends together up there more often to make use of the wide open spaces.

Friends and family came bearing food and drink and fine time was had. Helena asked me to take some pictures as she realised that she didn't feel able to easily combine photography with socialising. I also managed to throw some frisbees with another Steve and his young daughter Zina, who Helena eventually blipped. I avoided straining any muscles too which is a rarity these days. I must try to play frisbee more often as I do love it so.

It is now nearly midnight and I have run out of energy to keep writing, but I hope to back blip some shots from my Dorset trip earlier in the week. but it might take till tomorrow. Happy Birthday, Woodie!

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