this luminous life.

By Laura

March of the Pigs.

Nine Inch Nails.

EDIT: Shaun brought it to my attention that I accidentally uploaded this picture for July 16th when it should have been the 15th.

A family reunion at a farm in Indiana always results in me trying to remember for the 200th time how I'm related to everyone, and meeting more animals in an afternoon than I usually do the whole summer. I took a lot of pictures and I've had a hard time trying to narrow it down to just ONE for this entry. It came down to this pig or one of these two. The pig above is being raised for show at the fair. He/she seemed to enjoy rolling around in the mud and laying in the sun (surrounded by hundreds of flies). The pigs in the recently linked photos are in a separate barn. They are to be food. I was a bit sad when I found out about their fate because they were adorable pigs. Seemed slightly afraid (they had good reason to be!!) but very friendly and energetic. It almost made me want to stop eating ham (my favorite meat). Almost.

And now, the other photos....
Another pig for show.
Third pig for show. He's not as mean as he looks.
Pig challenging me as I approach it's pen.
Another view of the pigs for food.
Baby goats!! (They were terrified of people.)
Everyone loves kittens.
Favorite kitten picture. Was a potential post candidate. :-)

Alright. That's it for now. I'm tired.

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