
By LoJardinier


A rather posed shot, I now think, of apricot windfalls from the garden and the results of yesterday's fall: one of seven pots of jam. In my kitchen, a request from Connections.

But really, my title should be 'What on earth am I doing here?'

Coming back to Blip after a break, I'm amazed by the life that's recorded here, and the quality of the photography. I'll never write about nature like Ceridwen, never take portraits like Kendall, never record sensitive travel impressions like Barrioboy, never achieve the atmosphere of Nanou, never see the colours of dis dat d'udda, never be as lively as Herb Susan, as engaged as Folkiebooknerd or MariainWales, as accomplished a documenter as Veronica or Connections....apologies for all those of my friends I've left out, but I love you all and am in awe of your skill and perseverance.

So I'm here, wondering what I can do, searching I suppose for that inner guiding light. In photography as in life. When I was a teacher I used to tell my students, glibly, that feeling lost, ignorant and unsure was a sign of progress - much better than being falsely confident, knowledgeable and certain. Now I'm in that situation, I wonder how patronising that seemed to them.

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