Huge Millipede.

I was determined to post a 'Bliptogether' picture every day this week, but this friendly guy appeared tonight and I just had to blip him!! ;-(

It is the biggest one I've ever seen!

Here it is moving next to our garden hose, almost the same thickness! I think about 13mm (half an inch) thick and 20cm (8 inches) long! I took over 40 shots in an effort to show you the exact size, R jnr held his hand over it, the terrible twins were sniffing it, it was 'sailing' over the hose pipe, but this one looked best! It was unfortunately after dark and I had to use the flash.

R jnr caught it and set it free on an open piece of field close by!

I just luvvvvvv all the bliptogether pics! I keep on peeping at them, they are all brilliant!! Stunning project!! Check this space tomorrow!! I will not blip a shongololo (Zulu for millipede) again! Promise! ;-)

Check this one in LARGE as well!! Stunning creature!

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