Sunday: Los Padres To Be

We haven't seen the Hermanos for some time, what with their travels and ours.  So today we met them for coffee at Britanski Square and really caught up.  The reason they are looking so proud and happy is because they are going to become first-time parents in November.  We call them the Hermanos as Christian is from Chile and Maria Luisa is from Spain.

Have you seen this?   It sums up one of the real problems of modern life.  I was reading somewhere recently that it has been proven that people's attention span is becoming very limited.  People don't know how to be in the moment anymore - they are always elsewhere through social media.  Friends, when they meet, often seem to be on their phones, checking Facebook, to find out what other friends are doing, rather than taking time to be in the here and now.  Last week, in London, I saw so many couples, out together but on their separate phones.  

My little kickback is to make it a principle to never check my phone when I am with other people.  I am not sure how I got on to that - it is something I think about quite a lot.  It is not so bad here - coffee and socialising is very important here.  Maybe it was the contrast in London last week that has made me think about this.

Football is on - time there was a goal, I think!


If you like lovely gentle memoirs from a bygone era, then I can recommend 'Corduroy' by Adrian Bell.  The title is a bit silly but it is a wonderful memoir of a young man who left London to go and work on a farm in Suffolk for a year in 1920.  It has some lovely humorous moments and really evokes another time that doesn't exist anymore.  Apparently, it was very popular with British soldiers during WWII.


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