Monty Jess

Jess was 4 today and she is my blip. The fields are being harvested at the moment so there soon won't be anything to jump through.

This evening I had bought the family expensive (£15 tickets) to see the Monty Python Live (mostly) screening from the O2, at Haverhill Arts Theatre. There was some grumbling I have to say after I discovered it was to be shown on TV, and therefore why EXACTLY was this experience worth so much money?

Nevertheless we went for it and enjoyed a meal out together and then arrived at 7.00pm at the theatre just as the thunderstorms were starting.

My financial commitment looked very dodgy indeed, when the half an hour pre-amble was spoilt by intermittent 30 second cuts in the transmissions which the theatre manager had to come out and explain were caused by the weather conditions and couldn't be helped.

Things calmed down and the live show started...lots of whooping and general merriment from the audience. We were 3 minutes into the intro when there was a loud bang and all the lights went on and the fire alarm started...

We all still sat there - was it part of the act?

Errr no, there had been an explosion outside and a very anxious manager ran into the theatre to say ....could we all get out ASAP! What excitement and all a bit surreal! We hurried home and watched the (heavily bleeped) version on TV. Will be interested to learn exactly what happened in the news tomorrow. But I am confident that it is not an experience that my family will forget.

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