
By Cigs

Dryden Street (-ish)

With the demise of Shrubhill House, I've been drawn to this neighbourhood to spectate and speculate on what might lie within.

And then I figured I'd be as well to barge in uninvited and see for myself.

And there's a whole expanse of waste land here, encompassing the old bus garage? And I have no idea what the old factories and chimneys relate to down the back bordering onto Dryden Street....

Anyway, 0430 alarm set, on the bike after 5 and jumping gates with considerable ease shorty thereafter. I'd been in Saturday night but it was too dark to photograph hence the early morning approach.

Had a brilliant time scrunching glass under my feet, being overwhelmed by the scale and scope of it all. In the same way I remember going to Musee D'Orsy and not knowing where to look because it was impossible to focus on one dazzling thing on the wall as there were about 14 other equally dazzling things all grappling for your attention; room after room. A bit like that. Sensory overload; I kept checking and rechecking for Cigs tags that I knew I was missing. I think I ended up doing about 4 laps of the different buildings and rooms just to make sure I hadn't missed anything.

Large bubble style; silver bordered by black; straight faced, neither smiley nor sad. Lots of splashes (not obvious from this shot, they're round the corner) and faux runs; I wonder if the runs are ironic, as I see a lot of his - particularly yellow painted ones with a brush?- with runs on them?

And recent; dated 2014. And also a fair effort to do something of this magnitude up there; no visible means of being able to do it; again I'm intrigued as to how? I assume they don't carry portable step ladders around to facilitate nabbing the best vantage points?

**Edit** Cover version of today's shot.

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