
By Fibreandfotos

Mono Monday: Dolphins in Motion

We had the most fantastic experience today! We went sailing around Oceanside, and as soon as we left the harbor my husband remarked that we would probably see dolphins today . He was so right--more dolphins than we've ever seen at one time. They were swimming along both sides of the boat, crossing underneath, racing ahead of us, and circling around behind the boat to repeat the performance. They were so graceful in their movements, that I had to use one of the photos for the challenge. It was as if they were friends playing with us in the ocean, laughing because they knew they could easily beat our top speed in the water. Both my husband and I took turns with the frustrating experience of snapping photos. I think we took about 160 photos between us, only a handful of which were clear enough to recognize the subjects. After viewing the photos on the computer, we decided that we were lucky enough to see and share the experience that most people will never have and so we are content with that.

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