.... well what a weekend!!
As mentioned on Friday was off for a workshop in Blackheath conducted by Leonard Metcalf a black & white photographer (artist) of some renown.

Absolutely feel on "overload" at present, and will back blip from yesterday a shot from the course. In attendance were Blip mates, Cymbeline who has been very efficient and posted her two days results already. Also, were isbi, and Gemax. Again both very efficient in their Blips.

Anyway, just had to put my new found "talents" to effect on the Super Moon on show here tonight. Have shot and processed in Black & white, and really liked the way you can see where the lunar module landed!

Enjoy, and have a look at the craters and "moon men" in LARGE.

Promise I will back blip later from yesterdays course, which was really fantastic.

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