My life in blips

By Goretex


Another fine day in the east Neuk. Today we headed into St Andrews for a quick mooch and to buy some posh ingredients from the posh Italian deli. As we couldn't easily get booked anywhere for a meal tonight, Eubers volunteered to cook.

The Lammas market was in town - only Market Street - South Street will move in during the early hours of Monday after the auction for the best spots.

We then had to rush back to Anstruther as Mags and myself had appointments with the physio. I had my back and shoulders manipulated and came out feeling 10 feet taller! I hadn't realised how bad my shoulder issue was! The worst, but most effective element of the treatment, was when the more senior physio came in to twist my neck back in position - something to do with my 'c5'?! Hideous sound as you try to work out what has just happened to you.... has he just broken my neck? Is my head facing the wrong way? Can I still walk .....?

Highly recommended treatment.

Finally, meal at night was fab, courtesy of Eubers ;))

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