Very early start for me and mum. We had to be at 6.30am in the queue to get to Oncologist Ginecologist in Wrocław (1hr drive from my town Dzierżoniòw), well actually to get registered to see him on the same day. Mum queued for the registration I queued for the doctor, we were 4th. Believe me or not how many people packed in this small section for outpatients of Lower Silesian Oncology Center in Hirszfield street … so many people are so sick.

We need to do few things before she can start chemo, and that's the worst part as everything takes so much time here! I already complained to one of the doctors and she said to complain to the Administration of the Ministry of Health of Republic of Poland!

We were done and swiftly returned home just before 12. Kids were looked after by my cousin (very young and very pretty) Kasia who really dislikes kids and are afraid of them full stop. Kids really looked after themselves and entertained with loads of coloring, playing and watching Cartoon Network.

Took kids to the playground so mum could rest, in fact she slept most of the afternoon with a break for tea.

I'm doing quite ok, meditation helps and some other natural calming remedies as well, smoking some weed and just receiving little signs that everything will be ok … even now when I write I spotted a streak of rainbow just in front of thick clouds, its God smiling to me I know :D



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