Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Open Doors by Patrick Hughes

Went to museum Panorama Mesdag in Den Haag today where I visited an exhibition of Patrick Hughes' 3 Dimensional paintings; celebrating his 75th anniversary several exhibitions of his works are realised Now the world all over!! Go see it!
He's become a master of the Tromp d'oeil and the perspective in his 3D paintings appears to change before your eyes when walking by them - slowly or fast ~ they change!

This optical illusion he realises in his art he called 'reverspective' (from reverse perspective) i.o.w. that what's physically close to your eyes seems to be farthest away ~ and here the 3D becomes 2D on instant like in all my pix ~ this exhibition is such fun!

Patrick Hughes explanation of reverspective:
“ Reverspectives are three-dimensional paintings that when viewed from the front initially give the impression of viewing a painted flat surface that shows a perspective view. However as soon as the viewer moves their head even slightly the three dimensional surface that supports the perspective view accentuates the depth of the image and accelerates the shifting perspective far more than the brain normally allows. This provides a powerful and often disorienting impression of depth and movement. The illusion is made possible by painting the view in reverse to the relief of the surface, that is, the bits that stick farthest out from the painting are painted with the most distant part of the scene."

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