A day of ...

comings and goings.

You know the little weather man and woman?
As he comes in she goes out and when she comes in he goes out ...
That's us.

I made my way to Chorlton this morning to visit Leon's fabric shop, a place I'd heard a lot about. I was not disappointed and came away with a few purchases.
This afternoon I had a wash, wax and buff by four young men!
(When I say I I mean my car, of course!)
And this evening I made my way into Manchester where Beewriter and I had arranged to meet for a mini photo jaunt and a meal in Chinatown.
We chose the Little Yang Sing Restaurant's Dim Sum platter to start and to my horror it contained a deep fried whole baby squid

(I squid you not ...).

Returned home just as husband had left to go for a few drinks with friends...

Ha ha, the TV remote is mine, all mine!

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