Two of the Eleven

I did mention here that one of the pieces of info I picked up during the river cruise was that Schiedam had not one, not two, but ELEVEN windmills. Well, I had time to pass by the place today and saw not one, not two, but SIX of the eleven! What a thrill!

On the other hand, of course, you could get windmill-saturated. I made it a point to get out of the car and really take a good long look to notice what differentiated one from the other aside from the usual things like colour. As I have mentioned before, windmills get names. These two are The Palm Tree (L) and The North (R).

Originally, Schiedam had not one, not two, not eleven, but TWENTY windmills and practically all of them were used by the local gin distilleries. Even today, gin from Schiedam is well-known. All eleven windmills are still working and are most certainly not being used only for 'decoration'. They are the tallest windmills in the world because, apparently, you need loads of AXEL-power to grind the grain and other ingredients for distilling gin. One of them, a more modern one called De Nolet, is even being used to produce energy.

Sunny day today! But I've been thinking ... I think we ourselves make our days sunny ... :)

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