Back at the vets

This afternoon when I jumped into the car Ann noticed that I had a bald patch on my back and on further inspection she saw that I had a rash underneath my fur.

Admittedly I have been scratching a lot but I always scratch more in the summer. Ann’s boss, Steve, calls me ‘flea-bag’ but I know that I don’t have fleas. Personally I think I need to scratch because I spend a lot of time in the fields in the summer and I think rolling around in long grass irritates my skin and I had the same problem last year.

Anyway Ann said, ‘Molly that looks really painful. Let’s go to the vets right now and see if someone will look at you straight away.’

We saw ever such a nice vet. We think he must be new because we haven’t seen him before. He was really nice to me and treated me really gently. First he got some wet bits of paper and back combed my hair with them. Apparently if I had fleas there would be evidence of them on the paper. But I haven’t got fleas!!!

I’m not really quite sure what I have got, but the vet said I was very gorgeous and I reminded him of his old collie and he gave me some steroids. £33.76?? A human prescription isn’t anywhere near as much as that!!!

After that I went for my walk on the dunes. It was really hot and there weren’t any bunnies about for me to chase. I think they must have all been keeping cool in their burrows ‘cos I didn’t see one single one.

Ann likes taking me on the dunes because I usually manage to stay clean. However today I managed to sniff out the muddiest pond ever. Obviously because it was so hot I had to have a good old wallow. I think I might come back as a hippo in another life!

Ann was furious with me. She said, ‘Molly, I can’t believe you’ve just done that. I’m going to have to take you to the river now so that you can have a swim and get clean because no way are you going in my bath when you’re that muddy.’

…………………So not only have I had a lovely run on the dunes this afternoon, I’ve had a nice swim as well ……………………..I’m a very clever little collie!!!!!!!

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