
By meles

Chimney pots in the evening light

I popped up to the Foot of the Walk for some messages at lunchtime hoping to blip something on the way as the light was bright and clear, but bumped into G on the way up the Kirkgate and J in the queue for the checkout. We used to see them often in Homes Bar of blessed memory, but hardly ever meet these days so there was a bit of catching up to do - G's lack of work, J's arthritis, etc etc. Hence I completely forgot that I had my camera with me. :-(

Anyway, the light got a bit more interesting later on and elluminated some of our local chimney pots. There's a pigeon sitting on the left hand one of the row, and only when I zoomed in on the picture did I realise that the white speck above his head was a distant seagull rather than a speck on the monitor.

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