My Amazing Little PowerShot
Today I was out on the bike and noticed the gate was open at the old Mungo Scott site which will shortly be redeveloped into apartments. I could not pass up the opportunity so rode inside. I couldn't help see something attached to the side of the building which initially I thought was some kind of plant but when I looked more closely I saw it was a bee hive. (This can just be seen on the left photo close to the left hand edge.) I then thought I would attempt a close up but I didn't have a tripod or anything to even lean against. When I downloaded the image (as displayed on the left) I found I could even enlarge it to clearly display the wax comb in the hive. I am blown away by this clarity of my little compact SX110 IS - 9 megapixel 10 * optical zoom with image stabilizer that we purchased I think around six years ago.
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