Rock It Like A Redhead
I went out this evening to meet a friend for dinner- another redhead! Her hair is seriously gorgeous, much nicer than mine! I had to wash mine before I went out, but didn't have time to dry and straighten it, so I had to leave it up, which rather spoiled the picture! We met a few months ago at a party for a mutual friend, and as I had a rather shitty evening, it was nice to have a girlie chat and a proper catch up!
We went to a little place called Studio Six on Southbank, and I had lovely Thai Curry. We had a good catch up, and it was nice to fill her in.
I was absolutely shattered though, and stupidly selected the SLOWEST train home, which took an hour for a journey that should be around 20 mins! I gave in to sleep, as my head bobbed around, but I had to keep one ear open for the station! Luckily my lovely mummy picked me up so I didn't have to drive, but it didn't get in till midnight, and she had to be up early to catch a flight to Lisbon tomorrow morning!
I think I prefer going out Saturday nights rather than Fridays, when you've had a lie in. I'm getting old....
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