
It sure has been a mixed bag of weather today. It started off really warm then the icy wind and rain arrived. We didn't have any hail but some people did. This afternoon the sun come out and now there are very big dark clouds in the sky.. maybe more rain!

I noticed this tulip just coming into flower yesterday in my garden. It sure is a interesting and pretty colour with greens, yellows, white and pink. It looked lovely with the raindrops on it this morning I just had to get a shot. I did take one this afternoon but thought the raindrop one looked more interesting.

Haiku/Senryu – [Pink Tulips] - suite

upon the pale bloom
I cannot breathe her just yet
spring’s tulips still floored

river’s smoky rise
through creaks of broken ice
a song of spring’s thaw

late winter’s snow
how slightly the bud bloom peeps
through early spring’s door

pink tulips arrive
awakened from winter’s sleep
perfection's allure

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