
By WeeDragon_J

MonoMonday - Shadow

At Mum's via the 'chemist' called Bayne's Family Bakers ;-) to get a treat - an almond biscuit to bring out the bruising ;-) Lunch together, made some broth soup for the evening, but it failed the test of the spoon standing up in it, tomorrow the spoon'll stand, always better the second day. Dinner together then another cuppa then off home.

Tonight's on the way home Blip, the moon was nice and bright but too late and isolated to go dark park hunting for a moon shadow.

A shadow of my former self, on my local street-path steps tonight.

See Me... I'm just like you

This is Scottish Mental Health Week.

A catchy See Me... tune by Falconhoof and participants were people from Lanarkshire. Feel free to sing along :-)))

MonoMonday this month with Skeena, thank you.

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