Cloud Skating. GX1, Leitz Telyt-V 200mm.
As I was driving M into work this morning, there was a rather threatening sky and nice light, something that happens around this time of the year in Boston when the weather hasn't quite decided what it wants. I happened to glance up (that Blip vision thing again...) and notice the lovely weather vane atop the Cambridge Skating Club silhouetted against the clouds. Drop off completed, I doubled back to go Blipping and, as luck would have it there was a local tweetie bird parked on the vane pointing in just the right direction. Now that's Blipper's luck! The club house (dating from 1898 and on which more here) is rather a whimsical edifice resembling the unlikely union of a little wooden country church and a Swiss chalet. At the apex of the roof reside carved wooden "gargoyles" and a little copper-clad steeple on top of which is the weather vane. This whole ensemble put together is very charming.
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