A New Day

By ANewDay

Traquair House


While the men were out fishing on the River Tweed, my friend and I had a wander round Peebles where we were easily seduced by all the lovely shops into spending more than intended:-) Then it was on to Traquair House, near Selkirk, which is the oldest inhabited house in Scotland. There has been a building on this site for over 1000 years, although it didn't always look like this.

It started off as a royal hunting lodge and has been added to through the years and visited by 27 kings and queens in its history. It's strong connections to the Stuart dynasty and Bonnie Prince Charlie meant that the owners fell out of favour and lost a lot of their lands and money. The result was that the house remained in a time warp and was unchanged for many years, leaving a legacy of fascinating history for us to enjoy.

So the girls had a good day and the men an even better one, as they both caught a Tweed salmon!! Unfortunately, they had to be returned to the river, but it was still a great thrill for them.

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