
This looks like anger but I suspect it's fear.

I stopped beside the road to change my lens and a spur winged-plover (masked plover) sprang up from near the fence and took off across the paddock, limping madly. Then when she was far enough away she turned and 'menaced' me.

That is one brave bird that thinks it can take on a 2000kg car.

Of course I then had to get out and see if I could spot the nest she was protecting. I did see it, but couldn't get a decent photo of it because, as usual, it was in a very slight dip. Plovers are ground nesters - and their nest is usually only a few dead grasses or soft sticks. Their eggs are dark grey speckled with beige and cream - easily mistaken for stones.

If I'd had a ladder to stand on I could have looked down on it. If I'd climbed the fence I could have walked over and photographed it. But that didn't seem fair to the distressed bird so I got back in the car and drove away, leaving her in peace.

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