It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Diesel's 1st Hydro Therapy Session...

Today was the first of a good few sessions in Hydro therapy.

I have to say its knocked him for six this time round. Hes 5cm down on muscle around the bad leg. She said he was walking badly and putting too much weight on his good leg and doesn't think his back is comfortable. We have a lot of work to do.

However he is 9 and because hes already done the other leg three years ago he doesn't really have a good leg!!!

Hes eaten tea and had to go back on Metacam painkillers as he yelped a bit tonight just getting up to eat his tea.

My poor lad is suffering a bit tonight.

He'll be doing two hydro sessions a week probably until Christmas or beyond. See how it goes.

On my Clevedon Pier blip I have to say a huge Thank you for getting it to No 1 on the spotlight!! Its really nice when you have an image your really pleased with and it gets to No 1 so thank you all ;-)))

Here it is if you didnt see it ;-)

Draco Dragon xx

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