Typical Glasgow!

This is not the best photo I took today, but it tells a story about Glasgow, elements of which I have mentioned before.

Opposite our Conehead Duke and GOMA, a stunning new building is climbing towards the sky and is going to be heaven for photographers who love reflections in their cityscapes.

It is almost unknown for me to be using my camera in the streets without someone asking me to "Take ma Picture!" although the long lens (which I wasn't carrying, unfortunately) makes this more likely.

I love buildings in progress.

These two guys were miles above my head but they shouted several times until I held up the camera to my eye just to please them and got a big cheer. Daft ; and even funnier were their ensuing enquiries about the weight of my rucksack and their volunteering to come down and help , which only went to show they couldn't see wrinkles at that distance. Ha ha!

By the way the Art from Elsewhere pieces in GOMA are well worth a visit; usually I snort and giggle at the special exhibits but, maybe because of all the modern poetry I'm reading, the installations really impressed me.

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