Mind .....

..... the gap.

A few of you may have noticed that there is no blip posted for yesterday. I have taken a photo but it was using a homemade matchbox pinhole camera and a bit of 35mm film. I had planned on developing the film last night but then realised I'd run out of one of the chemicals needed so will have to wait a few days before I can get some and fill the gap in my blip journal.

It made me smile that a few blippers texted and emailed me today to make sure I was OK as I hadn't blipped, you're a lovely lot.

Talking of other blippers, I'd like to direct you to Jane and Roo's journal. Roo is currently in a competition for the best friend dog in Britain. As a Pets as therapy dog Roo does a lot of good work along with Jane visiting people in hospital to give comfort and companionship to people in their hospital beds. Please if you can, take two minutes to vote for Roo.

Tonight I recreated last night's camera set up ( with the matchbox pinhole camera still with the undeveloped film in ), so today's blip is .....

..... Mind the gap.

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