SANTA usually arrives in St Ives via the lifeboat on the first Friday in December.

Usually, I’m not allowed to go and see him, because it’s incredibly busy down on the Wharf and Ann is a very considerate dog owner who doesn’t want me to get distressed because I would keep crashing into people’s legs??

However, today she had a plan.

……………She said to her friends, ‘Let’s go and sit in the 'Balcony Bar' and drink wine. We can see everything that is happening from there.’

………….Unfortunately we couldn’t!!!

SANTA arrived………………. And then he disappeared up a side street and took a different route to his Grotto to what we had been expecting?????

So I got all dressed up in my ‘Christmas Sweater’ for nothing……………… And Santa still doesn’t know what I want for Christmas……………………..

…………………..And the humans consumed copious quantities of wine and I got blipped with ‘devil dog’ eyes??????

And apparently dressing me up in my Christmas Sweater was just a ‘trial run’ for 'Christmas Sweater Day' next Friday.

I can’t believe that I’m going to have to go out looking like this again??!!

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