Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Lego Saga

If you're looking for the first time this story has been going on a while, and whilst each episode can be enjoyed on it's own (probably) its (maybe) better from the start on November 17th. Don't worry, some days in between I take proper photos' I didn't get a Canon 60D to take photos of Lego.

Tim and Sidney appear to have got themselves into a bit of a pickle today.....

Tim: Correction, Sidney is in a pickle. I don't have an axe or a sax.

Sidney: Crumbs.

Spiderman: We're looking for.....

Sidney: Jeeez, look if you want the sax that badly just take it.

Batman: We don't want sax thank you. I admit being a reclusive millionaire who lives in a big house with a young boy called Robin may suggest I like to pick up similar young boys, it isn't true. You remember Vikki Vale played by Kim Basinger? Well she was hot. I like hot women.

Spiderman: Okay mr Insecure..... just because you have no discernible super power. You've bought your way here, please don't bore us with your sexual concerns...

Batman: I'm not concerned. This lycra suit is to show off my muscles to girls, not boys. I may have bought my way here but I have a bat cave and a bat mobile and I even have this bat wing thing in my hand. What do you have? A web? Super.....

Captain America: boys, boys....

Spiderman: You can shut it. You're basically captain of a false country built on immigration and removal of native people. The Native Americans must love it that they've got some Uncle Sam, red white and blue mother f*cker prancing around claiming to be their captain. You should have stayed on the boat and sailed back to England where you came from.

Tim: Chaps, can we get to the point? We've got some punk songs to write, you've got a sax to reclaim and Sidney here has some trousers to wash.

Batman: We're not here for the sax...

Spiderman: *whispers* liar.....

Batman: *ignores Spiderman* we're looking for the not-so Incredible Hulk. He went wandering off with a boy in glasses and hasn't been seen since.

Spiderman: Jealous are you that the boy didn't wander off with you.....

Tim: Gentlemen please. We haven't seen the same-size-as-everyone-else Hulk. His head and possibly his body are nowhere to be seen.

Sidney shuffles backwards a little and give the head of Hulk and little nudge out of view.

Tim: Now if you don't mind we're learning the chords to Blitzkrieg Bop, a classic Ramones tune that is totally befitting a band such as ourselves. If we see the Unincredible Hulk and his little boy sidekick Mill.... umm..... whoever then we'll let you know.

Captain America: Very good. We're thinking of kicking him out of the gang anyway. He smells a bit. I suspect that green is actually gout or some flesh eating bug.

Spiderman: We're getting thin on the ground y'know. We kicked Wolverine out last week. Everytime we tried to play Subbuteo he kept ripping the flaming pitch. We shouldn't even mention the time he tried to arm wrestle Thor, poor sod lost a hand.

Batman: Wolverine could play the saxophone though. Bloody good he was too.

Spiderman: *quietly* Maybe you should invite him back to your cave then rich boy....

Sidney: Tim, I think it's time to Hey, Ho, Lets Go!

Tim: You're not wrong my axe wielding friend.

Tune in tomorrow where I'll continue to play with Lego and ad lib imaginary conversations between the figures to make some sort of story. Cheers.

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