All things Blipable....

By Tina


WHAT A DAY.. did bukit this morning (you know.. the walk through the jungle up hill and trails and steps...) and felt pooped after that..
Had my Coconut afterwards as a reward... had a good chat with Ros & Cath...(H had no babysitter so didnt make it today!)..

drove home..
showered.. made cards ..
made lunch
took a few pics in the garden.. but was too hot to stay out for long..

At half 4pm.. I went back into the Jungle to Rekkie the ladies hash run for 2 weeks time..
Was a very hot afternoon

We made good progress.. and my Husband cleared the way through where was needed.. UNTIL.. he hit a branch with the Parang(BIG knife like crocodile Dundee had.. well actually bigger than that!!) and it bounced off the branch and spliced his shin open..

he was very good.. even though the trousers he was wearing turned a nice shade of red as we were talking.. we carried on.. as we were over half way!

Thankfully.. hes ok.. and was very brave when he had the 5 subcutaneous stitches and 6 normal ones!!
Oh my.. i think we will not take the parang next time..
The reason for the mango picture..
I have NO idea... i just liked the shadow on it..

tomorrows blip will be better (and far less gorey too!!) WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND EVERYONE X

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