
By yourdearsister

Wik Castle

Wik Castle is situated between Uppsala and Enköping (Sweden).
The castle, a defence castle, is very old, from about 1450.
The castle is mid-Sweden's best preserved medieval castle and it is beautifully situated on a bay of Lake Mälaren.

Gustav Vasa held the Wik's castle under siege for a year without being able to make Wik surrender.

Of course the castle has a ghost, some people who stayed there over the night have heard her, Anna.

Anna was a German-Swedish noblewoman. She is the central figure in the legend of the ghost at Wik Castle.
Anna was a maid of Charles XI's Queen Christina.
Anna is part of folklore as a central gesture area in the legend of the ghost of Wik. She died 1612, she drowned on her way to a visit a friend at Skokloster, who wanted her company. Anna's sled fell into a hole in the ice on the road over the lake and she fell into the cold water. Anna floated on the water thanks to its wide skirts, which were filled with air. Anna had long been rumored to be a witch, because of her black eyes, her black hair and her language (German) who people didn't understand . Those who found here became horrified when they saw her floating in the water and ran away in terror. When they returned she was dead, frozen to death in the water. According to the egend, she was haunted after the Wik castle, uttering cries from the bay as "either comes from an animal or a human being".

This beautiful view we can see when we are visiting our summerhouse.
I must say: We've never heard Anna.

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