being adorable...

40 weeks - out as long as she was in!

... being adorable is exactly what Katie has done all day for the past (insert big number) days.... she's being an absolute delight.

We went on the buggy walk this morning and she slept the whole way! She woke in time for tea and toast with her friendies before a picnic with my parents and a spot of duck/swan feeding. We ended up taking an unplanned trip back to theirs to help with some things they wanted doing and she was on Cloud Nine. She saw her Uncle Fantastic Simon twice and went mad! At tea time she even managed to find a way to bounce in the highchair. She was playing "copy me" with him, and scowled at him quite fiercely when he changed the rules to 'copy Uncle Simon'

Today Katie has said star and yep. My brother claims she said elbow. I'm reserving judgement on this one.

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