Life of Tiree

By tireedawson


After a very lazy post-torchlight morning (Milo didn't stir until 10.30am!) we had a lovely afternoon at Kiki and Rosie's naming ceremony. It was just perfect...a little old schoolroom in the middle of nowhere, heartfelt words and promises, mismatched plates of glittery cakes and sticky brownies and, quite honestly, the most amazing musical performance I have ever, ever heard...a star in the making. Olivia Lumb. Mark my words...she'll be a household name before you know it.

There were three friends from our school class who all had twins within a year...pictured is one of them...Hugo. You couldn't ask for an easier subject to photograph. His sister is equally as gorgeous, but with bright blue eyes. The perfect pair.

I just realised I always seem to write "lovely", "wonderful" things on blip. Just for the record I do tear my hair out quite a lot of the time...but that never really makes for good photos...

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