Club 107

By club107

Bizarre love triangle, no not these three

'I think Luke is my secret lover!'

It came as a bolt out of the blue, the kind of news a parent worries about late into the night, adding more worry lines to the others, adding unwanted stress and leading to self doubt and much soul searching. Where have we gone wrong, what did we not do for our daughter that she come out with something like this.

Anyway this was the pronouncement from child #2 not even six years old. OK so we knew that Herbie was the object of her affections, 'I love Herbie and Herbie loves me...' but we were frankly gobsmacked when we learned that things were a bit more complicated, 'but I also love Luke.'

It is early days for sure but to say that I was lost for words is a slight understatement.

For some reason today I spent much time pondering something which I have heard for many years but never really thought about before. The 'evil laugh' from the criminal mind in children's TV. The girls were watching something called Starla, some old superhero thing and I heard the evil laugh and I was asking myself, what purpose does it serve. I might look into it if I find some spare time, which I don't really have.

All in all a good day, I spare the details of the chores done but I did remove three very large spiders from the garage as I wanted to remove fluff from a vent for the clothes drier. Not that I don't like spiders, but I did not fancy the idea of them charging Harry Potter style up my arm. Yet more brambles met a fox in my travels.

So here is the youth section of club107. Goodness, we are actually outnumbered. Hopefully after the nonstop nature of the day, we might watch a film tonight.


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