Doll House

By dollhouse

The Witch's Cat

This is Mimi, Mama's cat.

She is well known within the Doll House (and amongst the family members who have had the mis-fortune to have looked after her) for her haughty, aloof and general diva-esque behaviour (no idea where she gets it from...ahem; nobody else in the Doll House behaves in such a way *cough*).

Mimi will only deal with Mama; she sleeps on Mama's bed at night (curled into my shoulder) and leaves home to stroll around the garden/estate during the daytime as she can't stand anybody else's company (she still hasn't forgiven me for the arrival of Lucy and Izzy and frequently leaves home in protest!).

As you may be able to gain from her expression, Mimi was terribly cross at having her portrait taken. Well, I'm sorry Mimi old girl, but the truth of the matter is that you do laze around all day leading the life of riley, whilst everybody else in the Doll House has to earn their keep by modelling for Mama's journal!!

As usual, Mimi fixes me with her disdainful stare and saunters off upstairs to her place on the pillow...

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