We could watch it from the clouds
Does anyone else look at the sky, and just wonder?
Sometimes I stare at it for hours. It's so big, it's so full of air and clouds and sky.
I can't understand how more people aren't just walking around staring upwards thinking, what is all that about.
We watch Si-Fi films and there is a purple sky and two moons, and we all go "ooooh". But stop looking at the TV - step outside and look up.
Today was amazing. It was a grey day. No weather no obvious excitement in the sky to speak of, but look at it. It goes for miles, and miles, and the bottom of the clouds are all on the same level. Does anyone else notice that?
The other day, when it was sunny, there was a cloud which was about 3 miles high. Full of fluff and softness. I stared at it until the sky darkened and the lovely defined edges disappeared.
Toolibelle tried to explain to me one day why that was, but it was Science, and I think that the sky is Magical. It's dark now, so you have to make the most of the short day and breath in as much of the sky as you can. It's big, its amazing and it's free.
I quite fancy Robert Downey Jnr. He's on TV just now pretending to be Elton John.
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