Cat's Paw

By catspaw

The Nebbit Stane IV

Regular readers will remember that when I last posted a picture of the Nebbit Stane just 8 days ago (3rd December), I made a prediction: that when all the current snow started to melt, the river level would rise so far that the current would flow right over the top of the stone.

This morning, as I headed 'down the Lord's Throat' on my way to Banchory (to play the part of Santa Claus at one of our thrift shops!) I noticed that my prediction had come true - there was no sign of the Nebbit Stane as such, just a slight eddy visible on the surface of the water (if you knew where to look).

Today's blip was taken on my return this afternoon, by which time the river level had subsided just a little bit, revealing the actual flow of water over the tip of the rock.

(Those of you who wish to follow the whole of my thread on the 'Nebbit Stane' and its role as a natural river gauge for the Don should take a look back at my postings for 17th and 20th November, as well as 3rd December.)

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