
So. 1,000 shots on the trot. And this is the one I get to celebrate with. I'm not happy with it. I should have taken a longer lens. The processing's odd, but I'm not at home and I don't have the tools to sort it out.

Still, this is what you get. I don't know if anyone got the 999 reference in last night's entry. If they did, then they didn't say ;-)

Thanks to Joe & the gang and everyone else who stops by from time to time - rock you all do. Would have liked to have said more, but (1) its all a bit gushy and it would probably make you all feel queasy; (2) I've got to go and get the Chinese take-away that was ready 15 minutes ago; and (3) its all been said before.

Oh, yeah, its the Mersey Wave.

/edit - I'm not going to replace this shot, but there is a much better version on flickr - here

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