Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

Well We Made It

A year ago, mummy was linked to blip, This looks a challenge she says to daddy,
daddy rolled his eyes, you will never keep it up he said, you will get bored, mummy glares at daddy, that was it, that was all she needed, I cringed, snuggle in tighter as I realise photo's are never going to have the same meaning again, gone were the snap happy album shots, here comes the blip worthy only pics, photo shoots, oh and no longer would she rescue me from silly situations, preferring to capture the moment instead!!
365 days on from that first grainy snap, here we are, our journal of mishaps, mayhem, trouble, joy, laughter and pure entertainment, shared with you all, whilst one daddy is sat eating his words!
Its been one long journey, but its been fun, memories are amazing things, and even better when you can bore share with others too, I have gone from a tiny lil ball of chub to a lil terror, hell bent on destruction, I have met new friends along the way, picked up tips on how to cause chaos from viewing other blips, though I think I out did her this time!
I like it here, can we stay for another 365?!

(PS Todays blip write up below!)

Daddy had one them crazy ideas today,
Let's go out, don't know were,
Just out, so we went out,
and ended up at the eden project,
I like it there, I can run free,
mummy says its untrashable,
hmmm we shall see, or so I thought,
In fact, I was good as gold,
Nope, no smug grin here,
I really was a good girl,
No tree/plant/mud was eaten,
No boidome pulled down,
No water polluted,
Nope, just me pointing at everything,
chatting away, it was fun but hot,
I saw flowers, birds, trees and things,
a lot of green too!
I can't wait to go again,
now they have free entry for a year,
they have no excuse!!!
More Eden Pics!

Yet more write up, hey you lot wakey wake I aint done yet! mummy note time!
Just to say thank you to everyone for there support, advice and comments over the past year, the smiles, the tears, the laughter, its been a fun experience,
I know I can be slack replying, but I do view my subscriptions every chance I get, I am more of a stalker then poster!!! there are some amazing people here, and you are what makes blip one of the best community's the internet has, thank you for accepting me and my lil terror into it!

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