my camera and me

By cmissler

i am ashamed...

i got totally engrossed in a project that took far longer than it should of. it was just after midnight when i realized what had happened and my heart sank. when i decide i'm going to do something everyday, that is it, its a must, no ifs ands or buts. but then i remembered today was my late day at work and while i was still lying in bed this morning trying to decide whether or not i actually wanted to get up i was messing with the settings on my camera phone and accidentally snapped this. oh the joy! haha... i NEVER said all of my blips would be good. in fact, my goal in starting my blip was just to get my camera (albeit supposed to be my canon) into my hands everyday. a picture everyday. though i will promise to try very hard not to let this happen again. this picture and post are just shameful. haha. ;-)

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